Welcome to the Nashua Senior Activity Center where we provide recreational, educational and wellness activities for seniors age 50 and older. We welcome all seniors from Nashua and area communities.
Our center, located at 70 Temple St. in Nashua, is a place where seniors can gather to meet friends for coffee, attend educational lectures or participate in fitness classes, interest clubs and games such as pool, backgammon, chess and checkers. Take a Virtual Tour of the Center by clicking this link
We are a private, non-profit organization supported by memberships and contributions from foundations, businesses and individuals.
We communicate with the Nashua community and our members in many ways. Besides this website, our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/nashuasac. If you “Like” it , you will be sure to get any current changes and information. We also send out a monthly electronic “Senior Center Happenings” that has information that may not have made it into the bi-monthly newsletter. Click the “join our mailing list” to add your e-mail address so that you won’t miss a beat! Please call us at 603-889-6155 with your questions or to set up a tour of our facility. We are currently open Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm, and Friday 9am-12pm. In addition we are open Monday and Thursday evenings from 5pm-7pm.(subject to change). Please call the Center for the most current hours)