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Category: Event "There's No Place Like Home"

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
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"There's No Place Like Home"


No hay lugar como el hogar 


Nashua Senior Center, 70 Temple St, Nashua NH 

FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC  (presented in Spanish)


La mayoría de los americanos mayores desean quedarse en sus hogares al envejecer pero a veces esta meta puede parecer un reto. Haga frente a este reto conociendo los pasos que le ayudarán a estar consciente y preparado. Acompañe al personal de New Hampshire Legal Assistance, Liliana Neumann, Coordinadora del Acceso al Idioma, y a la Abogada Judith Jones para conocer acerca de problemas comunes a los que se enfrentan los adultos mayores y para proporcionar estrategias para ayudarle a permanecer en su hogar. Exploraremos la información de los panfletos “7 Maneras para Ayudarle a Permanecer en su Hogar” y “Regresando al Hogar después de una Hospitalización o una Estadía en un Centro de Rehabilitación”, incluyendo como prepararse para una emergencia médica, así como entender y maximizar los beneficios públicos, incluyendo Medicare y Medicaid

"There's No Place Like Home"

    Upcoming Events-for more information check the main Calendar .For classes, check the Activity/Program Schedule

    • September 30, 2024 – Communicate with the Spirits-An Evening with Psychic Maria Halvorsen
      7:00 PM, Event
    • October 1, 2024 – Anthem Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 8, 2024 – Medicare Questions and Answers with United Healthcare
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 8, 2024 – Coffee with a Cop
      10:00 AM, Event
    • October 10, 2024 – Catherine Perkins, Senior Health Advisor Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 10, 2024 – Pet Therapy Dog Visits
      10:30 AM, Event
    • October 14, 2024 – Jerry Leavitt, Senior Health Advisor Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 15, 2024 – Anthem Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 16, 2024 – Free Hearing Tests
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 16, 2024 – Rivier University Wellness Clinics
      9:00 AM, Biker

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    Upcoming Events

    • September 30, 2024 – Communicate with the Spirits-An Evening with Psychic Maria Halvorsen
      7:00 PM, Event
    • October 1, 2024 – Anthem Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 8, 2024 – Medicare Questions and Answers with United Healthcare
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 8, 2024 – Coffee with a Cop
      10:00 AM, Event
    • October 10, 2024 – Catherine Perkins, Senior Health Advisor Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 10, 2024 – Pet Therapy Dog Visits
      10:30 AM, Event
    • October 14, 2024 – Jerry Leavitt, Senior Health Advisor Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 15, 2024 – Anthem Tabling in Lobby
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 16, 2024 – Free Hearing Tests
      9:00 AM, Event
    • October 20, 2024 – 41st Annual Variety Show- " What a Colorful World"
      2:00 PM, Event
    Nashua Senior Activity Center